A joint initiative to tackle serious and organised crime in Langley is picking up pace.
A landlord who failed to licence a House of Multiple Occupation (HMO), and breached fire safety regulations, must pay thousands in fines.
Two tenants who continually played music so loud that it disturbed their neighbours must pay large fines and have their equipment seized.
Slough Borough Council has appointed business savings and support experts Place Support Partnership (PSP) to deliver a Business Cost Reduction Project to micro and SME businesses across the borough.
Hundreds of residents have given their feedback on the library consultation proposals, and there is still time for others to give theirs.
A resident has been banned from owning animals for life and sentenced to 12 weeks in prison after admitting failing to adequately care for three dogs.
Slough Borough Council is urging landlords to register properties which may fall under the mandatory Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMO) licensing requirements, or risk facing fines of up to £30,000.